I was recently asked by a colleague, “Why don’t you build spec homes? You don’t have to worry about clients!” Taken aback, I stood there for a moment with a confused sort of smile, the kind of reaction that occurs when basic assumptions or ingrained ways of operating are suddenly, unexpectedly challenged. The question seemed to imply that because it was so hard working with actual human beings, I should consider building for, well, just me! When I finally got over my moment of discord, I responded simply, well, that’s not who we are or what we do!

I have always felt that we don’t just build projects, we transform people’s lives. I know that has the potential to sound really cheesy, but no matter how I slice it in my mind, it’s true. We built this amazing drop off zone/mud room/laundry room for a stay-at-home working mom who has three children under the age of 5 and it transformed their lives! We built a game room/hang out room for a baby boomer couple where their grandchildren come to visit and hang out with them, and it transformed their lives! We built this amazing outdoor/indoor space with a fireplace and now this retired couple lives in this room and never leaves it and yes, it has transformed their lives.

Dolores Davis UDCP
Owner | General Manager
CG&S is a design build company. We work with our clients to develop their ideas and realize their desires to create amazing spaces that transform their lives.

And, simply put, we can't do our work without our clients. They are an integral part of the process. Without them, it doesn’t become personal, and therefore not real. Is it harder? Sometimes yes, but it is also more rewarding to hear the stories of how it impacts their lives.
In the spec world, presuppositions dictate how the client can live. In design-build world, the satisfaction and reward come with helping our clients live exactly how they want to, how they’ve always dreamed of living.